We are relentless explorers who believe curiosity leads to creativity, creativity leads to action and action leads to evolution.

Contact Us

Crafting Our Daily Dose

Nestled in the heart of Panama City above a Craft Brewery, our unique coffee processing facility thrives on innovation and experimentation, far from traditional farms.

At Lost Origin, we challenge conventional coffee norms, embracing a dynamic trial and error approach that fuels creativity.

Leveraging our prime Panamanian location and deep processing expertise, we aim to influence and inspire coffee producers locally and globally, merging brewing's collaborative spirit into coffee's heritage-rich industry.

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Innovative Coffee Lab

At the cutting-edge Lost Origin Coffee Lab in Panama City, we redefine coffee processing, merging craft brewing inspiration with coffee innovation for a unique experience.

Farm Fresh to City

Handpicked in Boquete and transported with care to our lab, our coffee cherries maintain their pristine quality, from farm to lab.

Advanced Processing

Utilizing custom fermentation vessels and controlled drying rooms, Lost Origin meticulously shapes each bean's flavor, setting new standards in coffee excellence.


A continuous exploration, collecting data in each step, driving innovation


Hand picked and carefully selected by local hands, cherries are carefully transported overnight in a refrigerated truck for 8 hrs from the coffee region of Boquete to our Lab in Panama City


Fermentation via our custom designed and made fermentation vessels with temperature control, pressure and agitation parameters


Our 3 stage drying rooms with hepa filters, humidity control and temperature control is a controlled environment that allows us to understand the relationship between coffee and humidity


Milling, Size Sifting and Density Segregating to ensure the best and most homogeneus grains make it to our lots


Hand picked and carefully selected by local hands, cherries are carefully transported overnight in a refrigerated truck for 8 hrs from the coffee region of Boquete to our Lab in Panama City


Fermentation via our custom designed and made fermentation vessels with temperature control, pressure and agitation parameters


Our 3 stage drying rooms with hepa filters, humidity control and temperature control is a controlled environment that allows us to understand the relationship between coffee and humidity


Milling, Size Sifting and Density Segregating to ensure the best and most homogeneus grains make it to our lots


A continuous exploration, collecting data in each step, driving innovation


Hand picked and carefully selected by local hands, cherries are carefully transported overnight in a refrigerated truck for 8 hrs from the coffee region of Boquete to our Lab in Panama City


Fermentation via our custom designed and made fermentation vessels with temperature control, pressure and agitation parameters


Our 3 stage drying rooms with hepa filters, humidity control and temperature control is a controlled environment that allows us to understand the relationship between coffee and humidity


Milling, Size Sifting and Density Segregating to ensure the best and most homogeneus grains make it to our lots

Meet Our Team

Discover the passionate team of coffee innovators at Lost Origin, a diverse group of visionaries, artisans, and scientists dedicated to pushing the boundaries of coffee excellence.

Reach out if you are curious about coffee

Contact us if you are interested in getting competition samples, buying our single origin lots, or just have a talk with Franz, our head of coffee, about our trials, methods or findings

Drop us a message.